V L Surbala Morgan
Psychology Cambridge
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Adult Asperger Assessment (AAA) and Diagnosis

Through the Willows by Sean McHugh An increasing number of adults are seeking assessment and potential diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome. Maybe you have read about autism and in particular Asperger Syndrome and wondered whether this might explain why you have always felt a bit different.

Early diagnosis, especially of females, is sometimes missed in childhood, as you may have developed coping strategies and learned how to behave in order to 'fit in'.

Surbala Morgan is trained in the Adult Asperger Assessment (AAA), a specialist diagnostic evaluation developed in the CLASS (Cambridge Lifespan Asperger Syndrome Service) clinic.

The assessment process involves initial completion of questionnaires, followed by two assessment interviews. You will be asked to bring to your appointments someone who has known you since childhood – such as a parent – as we will need information about your early development.

You may also need to allow access to copies of your medical records and relevant medical and educational reports, so that we have a comprehensive understanding of you as a person across your lifespan.

At the end of the assessment process, you will receive a detailed diagnostic report and further advice and recommendations.

Sometimes, it may be useful then to seek further therapeutic support after the assessment and diagnosis and we can offer this at PsyCam.

Surbala has worked therapeutically for many years with people with Asperger Syndrome. She is committed to enabling people to identify and value their specific and unique strengths, whilst managing any challenges - in their personal lives and in the working environment.

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